Research Ethics & Plagiarism
연구 진행과 논문 작성 과정에서 대단히 중요한 주제인 연구윤리와 표절에 대한 일반사항들을 다룬다.
Research Ethics - 연구윤리
[선행학습] 연구윤리란 무엇인가?
· Research Ethics - 연구윤리
◆ The calues or norms that a researcher should know and practice throughout the entire research process.
→ 연구윤리란 연구자가 연구 수행의 전 과정에서 알고 실천해야 할 가치나 규범이라고 할 수 있다.
◆ The core principle of research ethics is 'Research Integrity' whice means to keep the core value of research including ① objectivity, ② honesty, ③ openness, ④ fairness, ⑤ accountability, and ⑥ stewardship throughout the entire research process (suggestion, planning, execution, reporting, review, diffusion, and etc.)
→ 연구윤리의 핵심 원칙은 진실성이라고 할 수 있으며, 이는 연구의 전 과정(제안/계획/수행/보고/검토/확산 등)에서 연구자의 핵심가치인 객관성/정직성/개방성/공정성/책무성/관리 등의 원칙을 지켜나가는 것을 의미한다.
· 연구윤리와 관련된 사례에 대한 이야기(GM, 유연 휘발유의 탄생과 납 중독 문제)
◆ 당시에는 휘발유의 품질이 좋지 않아서 자주 엔진 고장을 일으켰다.
◆ 휘발유에 소량의 납을 추가하면, 옥탄가가 높아지고 고장이 줄어든다는 사실을 발견했다. (flexible gasoline)
◆ tetra-ethyl gasoline 대량 생산을 시작하였지만, 논문이나 보고서 및 제품 광고 어디에도 휘발유에 납이 첨가되어있다는 사실을 밝히지 않았다.
◆ 위즐리 주니어는 자동차 성능 향상에 기여한 공로로 미국 화학계에서 여러 가지 상을 받았지만, 공장에서는 납중독 현상이 발생하기 시작했다.
◆ 그는 기자회견에서 tetra-ethyl gasoline 손과 코를 대며 안전하다고 거짓말을 했고, 유연 휘발유는 꾸준히 팔리게 되었다.
· Why is social responsibility required of researchers?
1) Unintentional bias in research - 의도하지 않은 연구의 편향성
· 연구자의 성향, 개인적 호기심, 이해 관계, 도덕성 등이 의도적이건 아니건 연구에 영향을 미친다.
2) The heavy influence of professional research - 전문 연구의 막대한 영향력
· 오늘날 과학기술 연구는 순수한 진리 발견과 학문적 호기심을 해결하는데 그치지 않고 사회에 큰 변화를 미치게 된다.
3) Unintended results - 의도하지 않은 결과
· 연구자는 자신의 연구가 불러올 수 있는 부작용에 대해서 고민해야 하며 문제 발생 시 책임과 의무를 가져야 한다.
4) The researcher's monopolistic position - 연구자의 독점적 위치
· 전문성 있는 연구는 일반 대중들이 판단하기가 어려우므로 자신의 전문성이 남용되고 있는지 고민해야 한다.
5) The public nature of research - 연구의 공공성
· 연구를 지원해주는 국가와 대중들에게 필요한 연구를 수행하고 그 결과 대중들을 유익하게 만들어야하는 책임을 가지고 있다.
Research Misconducts - 연구 부정행위
[선행학습] 연구 부정행위란 무엇인가?
· Research Misconducts - 연구 부정행위
◆ Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.
→ 연구 부정행위란 연구 진실성을 집적적으로 저해하는 대표적인 행위 즉, 위조/변조/표절/부당한저자표기/의도적인중복게재/부정행위조사를 방해하거나 제보자에게 위해를 가하는 행위 등을 말한다. 또한 각 학문분야에서 통상적으로 용인되는 실수나 의견 차이의 범위를 심각하게 넘어서는 행위이다.
. Fabrication is making up data or results and recording or reporting them.
. Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
. Plagiarism is the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.
. Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion.
· Types of Research Misconducts - 연구 부정행위의 종류
1) Fabrication - 위조
◆ An act of making non-existent data or faked research results
• Making questionnaires without any interview or investigation
• Creating results without any experiment
• Adding fictional data into actual experimental results for obtaining statistical effectiveness
◆ [Self-check Question]
• Is there any created or faked data and/or results that do not exist actually in the entire research process?
2) Falsification - 변조
◆ An act of distorting research content or results intentionally by altering or deleting data, and/or manipulating materials, equipment, process, and etc..
• Adjusting the differences in data by manipulating data
• Making up the date or process in research records
• Explaining the results of statistical analysis incorrectly
• Filling incorrect number in a paper
• Describing the subject or method incorrectly in a paper
◆ [Self-check Question]
• Is there any data or results which is modified, deleted or distorted unlike the facts?
3) Plagiarism - 표절
◆ An act of using other people's ideas, research content, results, and etc. without proper citation, when others' works are being used without honest and clear statement.
• Using sentences, paragraphs, tables, and pictures without any proper permission
• Borrowing ideas, structures, and methods of logical development
• Editing and using someone else's work without clear statement indicating the source
• Wrong indication of sources.
◆ [Self-check Question]
• Did you cite the source properly when use the original ideas or research achievements of others that already published before?
• Did you indicate the source properly when use other people's original concepts, terms, sentences, expressions, pictures, tables, photos, images, data, and etc.?
• Did you cite the source properly when paraphrase or summarize the research results of others?
• Did you cite the source properly while translating and using foreign papers or books?
• Have you ever used the secondary literature without re-citing the primary source, just like you read the original text?
• Although the source is properly cited, can you be sure that the quantity or quality of citation is within the acceptable limit of the academic discipline?
• If you have cited someone's work several times, did you indicate the sources for all citations accurately?
• If you quote someone's work directly, did you use the proper quotation?
4) Improper Authorship - 부당한 논문저자표시
◆ An act of intentionally deleting or adding authors regardless of their contributions to research or paper.
◆ [Self-check Question]
• Did you authorize the researcher who contributed to your research or paper?
• Did you exclude the researchers who did not contribute to the research from the author?
• Does authors’ order of writing match with research contributions of them?
5) Improper Redundant Publication - 부적절한 중복 게재
◆ An act that two or more publications share the same hypothesis, data, discussion points, or conclusions, without proper cross-reference.
◆ [Self-check Question]
• Did you use your previous work with exact and proper citations?
• Did you use your previous works with accurately citations even if they were used multiple times?
• Are you sure that the quantity or quality of citations of your previous works is within the acceptable limit of the academic discipline?
6) Other Research Misconducts - 기타 연구 부정행위
◆ An act of blocking investigations of suspicion of misconduct intentionally, or doing harm to informants of the research misconduct
◆ Acts those are seriously outside the ranges normally accepted in each academic field
◆ [Self-check Question]
• Have you intentionally blocked the investigation of research misconduct against yourself or others?
• Have you ever harmed the informants and/or the investigators?
◆ National Research Foundation of Korea, NRF(2011), "Research Ethics - Understands and Practices"
◆ National Research Foundation of Korea, NRF(2019), "Guidebook for Young Researchers"
◆ Center for Research Ethics Information(CRE),
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