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[논문 Tip] 학술논문교정 - 글쓰기 스타일(문장, 문단)


 Writing Style

학술논문 작성 시 사용되는 글쓰기 스타일(문장, 문단)에 대해 다룬다.


 Writing style1 (Sentence) - 글쓰기 스타일 (문장편)

문장을 구성할 때 글의 문맥에 따라 메인 구절과 동사를 적절하게 배치하는 방법을 배운다. 또한 문장 간의 대조/대비/병렬 구조에 대한 표현법을 알아본다.


 · Position of the main phrase - 메인 구절의 위치

 1) 중요한 구절이 앞으로 나오도록 한다.

Not only in reactor physics, but also in pile radiation chemistry, resonance neutrons play an important role.
Resonance neutrons play an important role not only in reactor physics but also in pile radiantion chemistry.

 2) 강조하고 싶은 의미는 앞으로 배치한다.

I would not believe it, even if he affirmed it.
Even if he affirmed it I would not believe it.


 · Position of the main verb - 메인 동사의 위치

 1) 메인 동사가 앞으로 나오도록 한다.

The continuous energy model in Chapter II and the multi group model in Chapter III are presented.
The continuouse energy model is presented in Chapter II, and the multi group model in Chapter III.

 2) 주어가 긴 문장일 때 동사를 앞에 배치한다.

In this report, tracer studies on the separation of plutonium from wet-incinerated blood by anion exchange and electrodeposition of the plutonium are described.
The present report describes tracer studies made on the separation of plutonium from wet-incinerated blood by anion exchange and electrodeposition of the plutonium are described.


 · Expression of contrast - 대비되는 문장 표현

 1) 대비되는 짧은 문장은 연결해준다.

a=A/b=B (Short phrase)
In the absence of scramming, 0.6 sec is required for the sodium boiling to take place in the hottest channel, and 1.23 sec in the average channel.
In the absence of scramming, sodium boiling takes place at 0.6 sec in the hottest channel and at 1.23 sec in the average channal.

 2) 긴 문장이 대비되는 경우에는 대상을 가까이 배치한다.

a=A/B=b (Long phrase)
No activity other than ¹²⁴I was detected in the spectrum immediately after irradiation, but some long-lived impurities were observed after ¹²⁴I activity had decayed.
No activity other than ¹²⁴I was detected in the spectrum immediately after irradiation, but after ¹²⁴I had decayed, some long-lived impurities became discernible.


 · Expression of comparison - 비교하는 문장 표현

 1) 서로 비교하는 대상을 가까이 배치한다.

The I₁-values of non-irradiated Cu-doped cells are larger than those of non-doped cells.
The I₁-values of non-irradiated cells are larger for the Cu-doped cells than for non-doped cells.
Hexagonal lattice show better convergence than square lattice.
Convergence is better with hexagonal than with square lattice.


 · Expression of correlation - 상관관계 표현

 1) 같은 단어보다는 비슷한 의미의 단어로 표현한다.

The value of y increases as increasing of x.
The value of y increases with x.
The value of y increases in proportion of x.
The ratio increases as the pressure decreases.
The ratio increases with decreasing pressure.


 · Tight writing - 간략하게 쓰기

 1) 생략 가능한 문장은 생략하며, 짧고 간결하게 쓴다.

Use short, concise sentences.
It may be expected that the prevalence of relatively mild asthma could be underestimated.
→ (...) The prevalence of mild asthma could have been underestimated.

The severity of this disease has been demonstrated to be associated with age.
→ The severity of this disease increases with age.


 · Parallel structures - 병렬 구조

 1) 긴 주어절은 동명사To 부정사를 일치 후 명확하게 강조한다.

To study mechanisms and investigate risk factors will provide useful information.
Studying mechanisms and investigating risk factors will provide useful information.
To study mechanisms and to investigate risk factors will provide useful information.

 2) 단어를 나열할 때는 동사를 살려주거나 형용사 형태로 이어준다. 

Dr. Smith's idea is brilliant, original, and will work.
Dr. Smith's idea is brilliant, is original, and will work.
Dr. Smith's idea is brilliant, original, and practical.

 3) 같은 주제로 대칭되는 내용이면 패턴을 일치시킨다.

Disability was reported by 58% of the respondents as interfering with their professional capacity and to be restricting leisure activities in 70% of the group.
In this study, 58% of participants reported that their disability interfered with their professional capacity and 70% reported that their disability restricted their leisure activities.


 Writing Style2 (Paragraph) - 글쓰기 스타일 (문단편)

다수의 문장들로 구성된 문단에 대해 어떻게 써야 하는가에 대해 알아본다.

A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic.
문단은 관련된 문장들의 모임이다. 1개의 주제를 유지해야 한다.
→ Keep one idea to one paragraph!


 · Structure of Paragraph - 문단의 구조

 ◆ Introdction: Topic sentence (main idea) - 메인 주제

 ◆ Body: Supporting details - 보조 설명

 ◆ Conclusion or a transitional sentence to the next paragraph - 결론/연결

There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada hs an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.
Bridge 역할: 하나의 주제를 연결해주는 방법


 · Topic sentence - 주제 문장

 ◆ A topic sentence is a sentence that indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the paragraph is going to deal with.

 Subject + controlling idea (an opinion)

 ◆ There are several advantages to growing up in a small town.

 Effective leadership requires specific qualities that anyone can develop.

  그 문단이 말하고자 하는 이론이나 주요 생각을 제시한다.


 · Good topic sentences - 좋은 주제 문장

 ◆ State your main idea clearly - 명료한 주제로

 ◆ Hook your reader - 독자를 이끌 수 있는

 ◆ Use thought-provoking words - 좋은 단어로

 ◆ Keep it short - 짧게 유지하고

 ◆ Give a reasonable opinion - 합리적 의견을 주며

 ◆ Transition from the previous paragraph - 이전 단락에서 전환된 문장

  더 좋은 주제 문장을 작성하려면?


 · Bad topic sentences - 나쁜 주제 문장

 ◆ Too many details:

 Topic sentences are general, and details should appear later in the paragraph.

 → 주제는 일반적이고 간단해야 한다.

 ◆ More than two topics, not just one:

 Paragraphs are usually about one main thing, so their topic sentences should also be about only one main thing.

 → 두 가지 이상의 주제인 경우는 피한다.

 ◆ Too general: ex) "Clouds are white."

 → 너무 일반적이고 자신의 의견이 없다.

  피해야 할 주제 문장 작성법


 · A good paragraph - 좋은 문단

 ◆ Unity - 통일성

 ◆ Coherence - 일관성

 ◆ Bridge - 연결/유지

 ◆ Adequate development - 적절한 발전

  좋은 문단을 작성하기 위한 준비

 1) Unity - 통일성

  ◆ The entire paragraph should concern itself with Only One Main Topic.
  → 한 문단은 무조건 한 메인 주제를 가져야 한다.

 2) Coherence - 일관성

  ◆ Arrange ideas in a clear, logical order. Provide appropriate transitions to the subsequent paragraph.
  ◆ You can help create coherence in your paragraphs by creating Logical bridges and Verbal bridges.
  → 아이디어의 나열은 명료하고 논리 정연하게 한다. (Bridge 활용)

 3) Bridge - 연결/유지

Observation can be used as both a quantitative and a qualitative research methodology. In the case described in this study, Observation was mainly used qualitatively as the research was highly exploratory in nature. On the other hand, observation, if structured, can generate detailed quantitative findings. Data, for example, generated via EPoS tracking (a machine-based observational tool) is highly statistical in nature. Whether findings generated by observation are quantitative or qualitative in nature depends on whether the research is structured or unstructured - which in turn, often depends on the stage of the reaserch project.
  Logical bridge - 논리적 연결
  · Likewise, in the same way, similarly, in comparison
  Shows similarity, comparison, drawing a parallel - 유사
  · On the other hand, in contrast, nevertheless, despite, in spite of, on the contrary
  Contrasts with what has gone before, dissimilarity - 대조
  · First, second, to begin with, at the same time, later, finally
  Placing in order, showing a temporal sequence - 순서
  · Thus, accordingly, therefore, because, in consequence, as a result, because, owing to, since
  Shows causality, cause and effect - 인과
  · As has been said previously
  Referning back - 인용
  Verbal bridge - 언어적 연결
  · We conducted a study of children of whom 10% had diabetes. We found a higher incidence of obesity in children with diabets.
  → We conducted a study of children of whom 10% had diabets. Children with diabets have a higher incidence of obesity.
  · We found that 43% of parents smoked. Children were at a higher risk of having respiratory infections if their parents smoked.
  → We found that 43% of parents smoked. Children with a parent who smokes are at higher risk of having respiratory infections.

 4) Adequate development - 적절한 발전

  Strategies for adequate development - 7가지 전략
  1.Compare/Contrast - 비교/대조
   Show similarities and differences between two or more phenmomena or ideas.
  2.Relate - 연관
   Show correlations and causes.
  3.Argue - 논쟁
   Give the reasons, justifications, and rationales for the position or view you have taken in the topic sentence.
  4.Narrate - 설명
   Relate the historical development of the phenomenon at issue.
  5.Process - 과정
   Describe how something works.
  6.Analyze - 분석
   Devide phenomena or ideas into elements.
  7.Classify - 분류
   Organize phenomena or ideas into larger categories that share common characteristics.
  Concluding sentence - 결론 문장 작성 방법
  1.include a brief summary of the paper's main points.
   논문의 요점을 간략하게 요약합니다. [일반적]
  2.ask a provocative question.
   도발적인 질문을 합니다.
  3.evoke a vivid image
   생생한 이미지를 나타냅니다.
  4.call for some sort of action.
   일종의 행동을 요구하도록 합니다.
  5.end with a warning.
   경고로 끝냅니다.
  6.universalize (compare to other situations).
   일반화 (다른 상황과 비교).
  7.suggest results or consequences.
   결론 또는 결과를 제안합니다.


- 참고 도서

1. 이공계 연구자를 위한 영문과학논문 작성매뉴얼 - 민양기 지음

2. 이공계 연구자를 위한 영어논문 작성법 - 명현국, 홍희기 편저
