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[논문 Tip] 작성된 논문 제출 및 심사 과정


 Submission & Review Process

작성된 논문을 제출하고 심사를 밟는 과정에 대해 다룬다.


 Purpose of writing of a paper - 목적 및 개요

논문을 투고하는 목적은 과학적 업적을 쌓기 위함이다. 논문을 좋은 저널에 투고하는 방법에 대해 알아본다.


 · Scientific achievements - 과학적 업적

 1) 과학적 결과를 공유하고 발표하기 위함이며, 좋은 저널을 선택하여 논문을 출판하도록 한다.

   · To present and share your scientific results
   · To publish your paper in a journal
  → Fruitful new scientific collaborations
  What happens when a paper is submitted
   · An understanding of what happens will help in presenting the paper and is responding to decisions from journals

 · An outline of the process - 과정의 개요

An outline of the process - 과정의 개요

  Submission(투고) → Responding to review reports(대응 및 수정) → Proof correction(최종 검증)


 Submission - 투고

논문을 투고하는 목적은 과학적 업적을 쌓기 위함이다. 논문을 좋은 저널에 투고하는 방법에 대해 알아본다.


 · Mostly, on-line submission - 대부분은 온라인 투고 시스템 사용


 · The Editor check style, originality, and amount of work - 에디터는 형식/독창성/연구의 양을 체크


 · Before submission - 투고 이전

 1) 논문을 과학저널에 투고하기 전 염두해야 할 상황을 알아본다.

1. Before submitting a paper, two factors should be kept in mind - 고려 사항

You should read thoroughly the journal’s editorial policy, guidelines to authors and any other relevant information before you submit

Look at the level and format of published papers
- Especially, unaccustomed journal

⊙ To ensure that you have a clear, logical message - 명확하고 논리적인 메시지
• a paper will not be published unless it has a clear, sound conclusion
 -. Something important and publishable to say
 -. Discuss your results with others working in the field
 -. Present your results at scientific meetings

⊙ To present your paper in the correct format for the journal to whitch you intend to submit the paper - 논문의 형식
• Most journals or their publishers have websites containing information that will help to make a decision

; must read it carefully

2. In deciding on the journal - 저널 결정

⊙ Which journals are publishing similar papers to yours - 어떤 저널이 적절한지 선택
• Authors
• Audience (reader) : many or similar interest?
• General or specialized?
• Level of journal (impact factor?)

⊙ Whether the journal has any rules that make it particularly easy-or difficult-for you to submit - 저널 제출에 특별히 쉽거나 어려운 규칙이 있는지 확인
• Acceptance rate
• Page charge
• Electronic submission or 'hard-copy' submission

3. Journal Rules - 저널 규칙 확인

You should read thoroughly the journal’s editorial policy, guidelines to authors and any other relevant information before you submit

Look at the level and format of published papers
- Especially, unaccustomed journal

⊙ Length
• Number of words of abstract/text
• Number of table/figure
• Supplementary (M&M, tables, or figures)

⊙ Formatting
• Subsections
• References (number/format)
• Order of sections

Whether all the authors have to sign the letter of submission (known as the 'cover letter') or just one

4. Cover letter - 커버 레터 작성

⊙ For editor only, usually not reviewers Critical for high impact journals - 에디터만 확인하는 핵심 내용
• Your name, address, phone and fax numbers and email address;
• Alternative contact details if you will be away for any length of time;
• A brief statement, in a sentence or two, why you think the paper is important and why the journal should publish it (in other words, state the main conclusion of the paper);
• Names of anyone in the field who has commented on the paper previously particularly if they are individuals of high standing in the field and/or if they are on the editorial board of the journal;

⊙ Suggestions of a particular person you would like to referee the paper - 특정 리뷰어를 지정해서 요청
• Option or obligation
• You must be confident that the person is independent, in other words does not collaborate with you or have any other reason to be biased in your favor
• In cover letter or submission site
• Best qualified to critique the paper and are not likely to hold hostility to you or your data

⊙ Reluctant reviewers - 제외 리뷰어를 지정해서 요청
• Details of anyone you would not like to review your paper because you think they would not give an objective assessment; and

⊙ Any other details you think are relevant - 기타 세부사항

Examples of cover letter

Cover letter #1
Cover letter #2
Sample Cover letter

 Reviewer process - 심사 과정

논문을 투고하고 나면 진행되는 심사 과정에 대해 알아본다.


 · After submission - 투고 이후

 1) 투고 이후 연락이 오지 않으면 무작정 기다려야 하는 상황이 발생할 수 있다.

  When your paper has been submitted, the journal will probably acknowledge receipt
   · If you do not hear anything from the journal,
    send the editor a short e-mail asking
    for an acknowledgement of receipt of your paper, reference number, and the name of the editor who is handling it
    (Reference number ... Use it in any subsequent status inquiries)
1. Peer review - 동료 심사

• Evaluation of paper by several researchers or subject specialists in the academic community prior to accepting it for publication
• A mechanism that has the objective of ensuring what is published is correct, properly done and clearly communicated
• (Subject) Editors seek at least two independent and objective reports of a paper, ideally from experts in the field; “referees” or “reviewers”
The criteria Editors use for accepting manuscripts for publication are originality, relevance, scientific rigor, and the clarity of presentation
• The journal does not accept all subjected manuscripts (acceptance rate?)

2. Novelty - 새로움

• Most journals demand ‘Novelty’ (it has not been done before) - ‘Something new
• If you can say ‘this confirm someone else’s results’ throughout your paper, it is unlikely to be novel findings and is likely to be rejected from an international journal

3. Ethical considerations - 윤리 문제 고려

• Ownership
• Plagiarism
• Double publication
• Conflicts of interest (COI)
→ When an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests
• Funding
• Ethical approvals
IRB (Institutional Review Board)
IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee)

4. Journal Responses - 저널 심사결과 응답

• It takes time to review (referee) a submission
• You are unlikely to get an immediate acceptance
• The most usual responses are revision (minor or major) or rejection

5. Reviewer Reports - 일반적으로 4 가지 결과

◆ First decision (by Editor or Editor-in-Chief)
⊙ Direct accept, rare!
⊙ Minor revision
⊙ Major revision (Reject and resubmission)
⊙ Reject
• Sometimes an editor's letter will be clear, and it is obvious how you should revise your paper for resubmission
• If the letter is not clear, write back to the editor (by e-mail) explaining what you do not understand, and ask for an explanation - for example if the referees' comments are difficult to understand, or you are not sure what the editor means in his or her instructions for revising your paper

6. Respond to every comment - 모든 코멘트에 전부 응답해야 한다.

Do not give up!
The process is not aimed critically at you
It is aimed at getting the best out of the work
• Criticism is meant to be constructive and overall peer review should improve your work
• Some reviews can even be very hurtful

Respond to all the criticisms that you consider valid
Do give your arguments, where you disagree with a reviewer comment (pointless or just plain wrong)

7. Rejection - 리젝트와 재투고의 과정도 중요하다. (에디터 조언 반영)

• If your paper is rejected by the journal, it is a usually suggested to discuss this decision with a colleague in the field, showing them the reports and editor's letter, before proceeding further
• Worth appealing the decision, or better to submit your paper to another journal?
• If you decide to appeal the journal's decision, send a letter stating your case, sticking to scientific points;
for example, those parts of your conclusions that may have been misunderstood or not appreciated
• Do not send angry or abusive letters, as this will not help your case

⊙ Check whether you have submitted to the most appropriate journal
• Learn from the experience
• Do better next time
• Attend a course on scientific writing

8. Revision - 가능한 모든 사소한 것들도 수정한다. 리비전 후 커버레터 재투고

◆ Try to revise as soon as possible
- Your must respond to ALL the comments
There many be some suggestions that you disagree with. But, you have to make a conscious decision not to respond to any particular suggestion
- Many journals ask you to comment specifically how you have responded to each of the reviewers comments: "point by point"

⊙ Minor Revision
• This usually means the paper is basically OK
• The reviewers think there are some improvements or clarifications to be made and/or it is not in the required format
• This should not take long

⊙ Major Revision
• Sometimes termed 'Reject and Resubmit'
• The journal still wants a paper on this topic, but

• You may need to provide further explanation of methods
• You may need to delete irrelevant portions
• You may need to re-interpret your results
• You may need to do more analyses
• Discuss with your co-authors how you will revise the paper
• Senior (or corresponding) author to collate changes and ensure consistency
• After the revision, get co-authors to approve the changes
• _ _ _ And resubmit

Example of Cover Letter after revision

Cover letter after revision #1


9. Further revision? - 추가 리비전을 요구하는 경우.. 관심의 표현이라고 생각하자.

• May be requested
• Avoid the temptation to be argumentative (even when the reviewer is wrong)
• Make all requested changes unless you have a significant reason not to
If you do not agree, try to cite literature to support your argument

10. Acceptance - 이 편지를 받으면, 편집적인 부분 협의도 하고, 미진 부분 수정도 한다.

What happens next?
• Editorial office checks technical editing
• Editorial office sends to production team
• Copyright transfer
• Proofs

11. Proofs - 교정 (인쇄 전 마지막 2~3 일)

• Paper or electronic
• Must respond quickly (within two or three working days)
• Read carefully
• Annotate proof using the system specified
• Return by deadline date
• Order reprints?
• Return completed Copyright Form (sometimes, in the process of submission)

12. Publication - 출판

• Online-'forthcoming paper'
• Print version
• Reprints


Don't be shy !
· Ask colleagues to comment on you draft.
· Choose someone who is competent to give an opinion.
· Choose someone who will give an honest opinion.