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[논문 Tip] 학술논문교정 - 단어선택/구두법


 Word choice/Punctuation

학술논문 작성 시 사용되는 적절하고 간결한 영어 단어와 구두법(콤마, 콜론, 세미콜론 등) 대해 다룬다.


 Word choice - 단어 선택

논문을 쓸 때 어떠한 단어를 선택하면 좋을지에 대해 알아본다. 논문이기 때문에 명료하고 간결하게 쓰는 것이 중요하다.


 · Label consistently - 일관된 라벨

 1) 명료한 단어를 동일하게 유지한다.

Meningococcal disease is most prevalent in children under 2 years of age.
Approximately 400 healthy toddlers aged 12-15 months will be enrolled in this trial. Children will be randomized to receive either the new vaccine or a standard immunization schedule. Children who randomized to the control group will be offered the new vaccine at completion of the study.
※ toddlers → children


 · Word choid - 단어의 선택

 1) 긴 단어보단 짧은 단어, 구절보단 단어로 표현한다.

 Ex) due to the fact that, for the reason that, on account of, owing to the fact that, on the basis that → because

 Ex) the majority of → most

 Ex) at the present moment, at this point → now

   · Select the shorter word rather than the longer one.
   · Select the single word rather than the phrase.

 2) 기행문, 소설이 아니기 때문에 감정이 들어간 단어는 피한다.

 Ex) suffer back pain → have back pain

 Ex) powerful risk factor → strong risk factor

  Avoid emotive words


 · Elegance of a sentence - 우아한 문장

 1) 공식적인(formal) 단어를 선정한다.

Can't, won't, don't (X) → cannot, will not, do not
Get, happen, want (X) → obtain, occur, desire
Pretty (X) → fairly, quite
So much, not so much (X) → very much, not very much
Do (X) → undertake, conduct, perform, execute, carry out


 · Negative sentence - 부정문

 1) 부분 부정 (all) vs. 완전 부정 (any)

 Ex) Immunosuppressant was not used in all animals.

      Immunosuppressant was not used in any animals.

 Ex) There was no class Ⅲ/Ⅲ homozygote in all subject.

      There was no class Ⅲ/Ⅲ homozygote in any subject.

  Partial negative vs. complete negative (all vs. any)

 2) 이중 부정은 피한다.

 Ex) not abnormal → normal

 Ex) This structure is not uncommon [→ common] to most lower animals.

  Avoid double negative (이중 부정)

 3) 부정문 "and", "also" 사용은 옳지 않다.

 Ex) The methylation cycle did not correlate with age and sex. (X)

      The methylation cycle did not correlate with age or sex. (O)

 Ex) No expression of IL-8 was also detected. (X)

      No expression of IL-8 was detected either. (O)

   · Cannot use "and" in a negative sentence.
   · Cannot use "also" in a negative sentence.


 · Expression of numbers - 숫자의 표현

 [Tip] 공식적으로 쓰이는 숫자 표현들...

 1] 다수의/소수의

 · a (large) number of/only a small number of


 2] 다량의/소량의

 · a large/considerable/substantial/significant amount of

 · a small/negligible/insignificant amount of


 3] 약~ / ~정도의

 · About/approximately/roughly/around/nealy/close to


 4] ~배 ~하다 (비교)

 · The rate of hydrogenation is 2 to 3 times that of isomerization.

 A is 5 times [or 5-fold] more soluble in hexane than in water.

 The solubility of A in hexane is 10 times as high as that of B.


 5] ~만큼 ~하다 (비교)

 · The yield of the product was 30% larger than that previously

 reported./The yield of the product increased by (up to) 30%.


 6] ~의 비율로 ~하다

 · X and Y were mixed in a mole ratio of 1:2.

 The mixture contains 30% by weight of A and 5% by weight of B.

 The temperature of the solution was raised at a rate of 1 C per minute.


 7] ~까지의/~이하 이상 (범위)

 · The solution is fluid at temperatures down to - 20 C.

 The mixture is solid at temperature up to 80 C.

 The solution must be kept at -78 C or below [or ≤ -78 C].

 The solution was maintained at -78 C or above [or ≥ -78 C].


 8] 최대(최소)로 되다

 · The yield reaches a maximum at a reaction temperature of 40 C.

 · To maximize the yield the water content in solvent must be kept to a minimum.


 · Expression of use

 1) 사용하다의 표현도 조금씩 느낌이 다르다.

 Ex) This difficulty was obviated by using ethanol as solvent.

 Ex) Data from all experiments for each type of flowmeter was correlated by the use of linear and non-linear regression models.

 Ex) Molybdenum-99 was prepared by irradiation Mo metal.

 Ex) The fission neutron flux was estimated using the above formula by using the following values of cross section.

  Strength of dependence of the means:
  by using > using > by the use of > by means of > by > with


 · Expression of cause-and-effect

 1) 결과적인 효과는 문단의 종료 유/무에 따라 다르다.

 Ex) No evidence of direct reaction is seen, and therefore (or hence) the statistical theory is applicable.

 Ex) For the density gradient, this coordinate introduces a parameter E. / 문단 종료

 Consequently (or Thereupon) the series expansion must be in terms of E. (add the time sequence)

  therefore vs. hence vs. consequently vs. thereupon

 2) "for this reason" 인과관계가 조금 더 강한 표현이다.

  for this reason vs. so that vs. and
  "for this reason" is stronger cause-and-effect relationship than "so that" or "and"

 3) 보통은 결론을 앞에 두고 원인을 뒤에 서술하지만 원인을 강조할 때는 "since" 사용한다.

   because vs. since
   · because: [Effect]..., because [Cause]...
   · since: Since [Cause]..., [Effect]... (emphasis on the cause)

 4) "due to" 같은 경우는 형용사적이기 때문에 문장 중간에 나온다.

 Ex) This is due to dissociation of the oxygen present in the US lattice.

 Ex) Because of its instability, the enzyme had to be kept at below 2 C.

   because of = owing to vs. due to
   · because of = owing to: adverbial (부사적)
   · due to: adjectival (형용사적)


 Punctuation - 구두법

논문에서 구두점을 어떻게 써야 하는가에 대해 알아본다.


 · Full stops and ellipses

 1) 완전히 문장을 마칠 때

  Full stops: . ! ?

 2) 제목, 사람이름, 약어나 줄임말에는 Full stops 사용하지 않는다.

  NOT needed after titles, in people's names, in abbreviations or acronyms.

 3) 인용문 안쪽에 마침표를 사용한다.

 Ex) We have proved the impossibility of realizing "perpetual motion."

  Put . before quotation marks.

 4) 생략된 부분을 표현할 때

 Ex) The patient had a stroke but after many months of treatment returned to work.

  Ellipses (…) are a series of full stops that are used to indicate the omission of quoted text.


 · When to use a comma (,) - 콤마를 사용할 때

 1) 일반적으로 접속사 뒤에는 쉼표를 찍는다.

 Ex) However, we will need to order some new equipment.

  When a sentence begins with a conjunction (접속사)

 2) 종속절이 이어질 때에도 쉼표를 찍는다.

 Ex) Before the study begins, we will need to order some new equipment.

  When a sentence begins with an essential or non-essential dependent clause (종속절)

 3) 불필요한 형용사절이 중간에 끼어있을 때 구분점

 Ex) The equipment, which we can order from the university supplier, will be needed before the study begins.

  When a non-essential adjectival clause (형용사절) is embedded into an independent clause

 4) 똑같은 의미를 가지고 있는 구절이 나올 때 구분점

 Ex) Professor Brown, the vice chancellor (부총장), will attend the meeting.

  When two phrases with the same meaning are used side by side

 5) 목록을 나열할 때 (목록의 마지막은 and)

 Ex) Questionnaires will be used to measure demography, age, gender, and illness history.

  To separate items in a list


 · When not to use a comma (,) - 콤마를 사용하지 않을 때

 1) 독립절이 꼭 필요한 의미를 담고 있을 때

 Ex) We shall need to buy new equipment, that can be used to measure ambient humidity. (X)

  When the independent clause starts a sentence and is followed by an essential dependent clause

 2) 필수적인 종속절을 이어 줄 때

 Ex) The new equipment that wwe shall need, can be ordered from the university supplier. (X)

  When the independent clause is embedded with an essantial dependent clause

 3) 두 개의 서로 다른 문장을 쓸 때

 Ex) Many existing tools have been criticized for poor validity, furthermore, most are based on a single measurement. (X)

 Many existing tools have been criticized for poor validity. furthermore, most are based on a single measurement. (O)

  To separate two independent clauses


 · Semicolon (;) - 세미콜론

 1) 긴 문장을 구분 지을 때

 Ex) Do not be shy of using the semicolon; it can serve you quite well.

 Ex) The integrity of the tissue was determined by examining stained sections for signs of (1) epidermal vacuolation, degeneration, or necrosis; (2) vascular congestion and thrombosis; and (3) sweet gland necrosis.

   · Separate a long sentence.
   · Strength of separation: . > ; > ,


 · Colon (:) - 콜론

 1) 뒤의 내용을 강조할 때

 Ex) Two techniques are currently used for activation analysis: (a) fixed point and (b) transfer.

 Ex) Eddies overlap in space: Large eddies carry smaller ones.

  Emphasize words or a sentence after colon

 2) 제목을 작성할 때

 Ex) Weil sequences: A family of binary sequences with good correlation properties.

  Title: subtitle


 · Dash (━) - 대시

 1) 보충 설명으로 쉼표보다 강한 분리의 의미, 공백은 쓰지 않는다.

 Ex) The shear deformations―once the nominal strength is reached―do not increase.

  Insert, stronger separation than ,
  Longer than hyphen (-)
  Do not have spaces before and after a dash


 · Hyphen (-) - 하이픈

 1) 두 개 이상의 단어를 연결하여 명사화할 때

 . noun-adjective + noun : 명사-형용사 명사화

 Ex) magnesium-rich silicates


 . adjective-noun + noun : 형용사-명사 명사화

 Ex) high-temperature chambers


 . adjective-adjective + noun : 형용사-형용사 명사화

 Ex) three-dimensional structures


 . noun-noun + noun : 명사-명사 명사화

 Ex) mass-velocity relationships


 . 분수

 Ex) 2/3: two-third (O), two third (X)

  Connect more than two words that modify a noun


 · Parentheses ( ) - 괄호

 1) 약어, 줄임말을 표현하거나 부연 설명을 할 때

 Ex) The rural towns chosen were Wagga (population 40,000) and Belmont (population 20,000).

 Ex) In this study, we measured the prevalence of airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), recent wheeze (in the 12 months prior to study) and atopy (a positive skin prick test to one or more inhaled allergens).

  Parentheses: abbreviation or acronym, cordon off a group of words that add an explanation to the sentence but relatively unimportant


 · Bracket [ ] - 대괄호

 1) 인용된 문구 안에서 괄호가 필요할 때

 Ex) "The following year [1947] was a turning point."

  In the quotation - 인용문

 2) 괄호 안에서 괄호가 필요할 때

 Ex) A nitrogen mustard (mechlorethamine hydrochloride [Mustragen]) was one of the chemical compounds used.

  In the parentheses - 괄호