학술논문의 결과를 작성하고 정리하는 부분이다. 과학기술논문 작성에서 문장 못지않게 중요한 표와 그림, 도표의 작성에 대해 다룬다.
· Writing Results (Overview)
Structure of Results
① Tables - 표
논문을 쓰면서 발생한 실험 데이터를 표로 효과적으로 작성하는 방법을 알아본다.
1) When To Use Tables - 언제 표를 사용해야 하는가?
• When the data cannot be presented clearly as narrative, When many precise numbers must be presented, When meaningful interrelationships can be better conveyed by the tabular format. - 데이터를 설명으로 명확하게 전달하기 어려울 때, - 정확한 숫자를 많이 제시해야 할 때, - 표 형식으로 의미있는 상호관계를 더 잘 전달할 수 있을 때,
• One table with representative data (No several tables) to convey an idea. - 대표 데이터를 담은 하나의 표를 통해 아이디어를 전달할 때,
• Materials can be handled as narrative: results of IR absorption/NMR chemical shift unless they are major topics (* NMR Data 예제 참조)
2) How To Cite Tables - 표 인용하는 방법
◆ Like figures, all tables must be called out, that is, mentioned or discussed by name and number in the text. • Capitalize “Table” when it is followed by the table number. • Number tables sequentially in the text: Table 2 or Table II. • Discuss tables sequentially, so that Table 1 is discussed before Table 2, Table 2 before Table 3, and so on.
3) How To Prepare Tables - 표 준비하는 방법
> 비공식적, 즉각 필요할 때 ◆ Informal (in-text) Table: 3 ~ 5 lines and ≤ 4 columns ① It cannot exceed the width of a text column - 텍스트 열 너비를 초과할 수 없음 ② Placed in text following an introductory sentence - 소개 문장 뒤에 텍스트 배치 ③ Each column should have a heading - 각 열에는 제목이 있어야 함 ④ No titles, numbers, and footnotes - 제목, 숫자, 각주 없음
Informal (in-text) Table
> 공식적, 일반적인 경우 ◆ Consist of at least three interrelated columns and three rows. (If you have only two columns, try writing as narrative.)
Should be simple/concise - 단순/명료 • arrange for optimal use of space; • Combining is usually possible when the same/similar column is repeated in separate tables
Use consistent wording/symbols/abbreviations for all elements of similar or related tables and text. - - - - - - - - - - ◆ The table width will depend on the widths of its individual columns. • Generally, tables up to 6 columns will fit in a single column; up to 13 columns will fit in the double-column spread. Wider than double-column spread ▩ rotate 90° (lengthwise)
• In books, up to 8 columns can fit in the page width; tables having 9–12 columns will be set lengthwise. Larger tables can span two pages.
• Extremely wide tables can cause composition difficulties. → Consider presenting the material as two or more tables.
• For style, consult the journal’s instructions for authors. e.g., the use of capital and lowercase letters and whether the entries are centered or flush left varies among publications. • Keep sections of multipart tables at similar widths. • Widely divergent section widths within a table waste space and detract from general appearance.
◆ Effective tables are well-designed, so think carefully, 1) about the data you need to present 2) about the best way to present it visually on a page. In general, more row headings than column headings.
4) Title for Tables - 표 캡션
A) Title • Should be a brief and informative title that describes its contents in non-sentence format. • Should be self-contained; The title should be complete enough to be understood without referring to the text. • Place details in table footnotes, not in the title. • Begin with “Table” and its number, and then with the title. Table 1 or Table I
B) Column Headings • Every column must have a heading that describes the material • A column heading should not apply to the entire table (cf. table footnote) • If a column heading applies to more than one column, use a rule below it. (straddle rule) 2 Column Headings (straddle rule) ◆ Rule for specific headings : 약어 가능하나, 풋노트에 기입 • Be succinct, keep column headings to two lines if possible, and use abbreviations and symbols whenever practical. • Be consistent with the text and with other column headings. • Define nonstandard abbreviations in table footnotes. • Name the variable being measured, and indicate the unit of measure after a comma or slash or within enclosing marks. • Use the same style within and among all tables.
C) Column Entries ◆ The leftmost column is the stub (reading column/row heading). • Use only one type of alignment per column (usually aligned on the left; but, for numbers on the decimals) • Do not use ditto marks or “ditto” to indicate the same entry in a column; just repeat the entry. • Keep all entries at similar lengths • Place any explanatory material in table footnotes. • A dash in a column entry should be explained in footnote (e.g., “—, too low to be measured.”)
D) Footnotes ◆ Footnotes include explanatory material referring to the whole table (general footnotes) or specific entries (specific footnotes). • Information that should be placed in general footnotes units of measure that apply to all entries in the table, abbreviations and symbols used frequently in the table, details of experimental conditions if not described in text, general sources of data, and other literature citations. • Information that should be placed in specific footnotes units of measure that are too long to fit in column headings, abbreviations and symbols used with only one or two entries, statistical significance of entries, experimental details that apply to specific entries, different sources of data.
- Use superscriptlowercaseitalic letters in alphabetical order, starting from the top of the table, from left to right. - Write footnotes as narrative and use standard punctuation. Short phrases “ND, not determined.” and “x = 23.” are OK. - Label each footnote with its superscript letter and group the footnotes together at the end of the table. - All footnotes must have a callout in the table title or text.
E) Using Word-Processing Software • Use the software’s table feature rather than tab key • Use font size 10 or 12, although 8 can be used if necessary Don’t use a font smaller than 8 Double-space the text • Put only one row of entries in each row of the table. • Do not put multiple entries in a single cell by “hard enter”. • Avoid using “hard enter key” to add space between rows. If you wish to show more space than is apparent with double-spacing, use the line formatting feature of the word-processing program.
Structure of Table
② Figures - 그림, 도표
논문을 읽는 독자들에게 주제에 대한 데이터를 가시적으로 이해하기 쉽고 강조할 수 있도록 그림으로 요약한다.
1) Purpose and how to write - 목적 및 작성 방법
Purpose: - Highlighting, clarifying, summarizing data and results - Increasing the readers’ comprehension of the text by communicating visually.
• Line graphs show trends - 트랜드 • Bar graphs compare magnitudes. - 크기 비교 • Pie charts show relative portions of a whole. - 비중 차지 • Photographs can provide absolute proof of findings. - 증명 • Figures should be used when it is worth a thousand words. • Good presentation is required! (i.e., if poorly rendered or cluttered, if they do little more than repeat data presented in text, if they present information at odds with the text)
Line Graphs (Worst v.s. Best)Bar Graphs (Worst v.s. Best)
• However, an excessive number of figures can dilute the value of any individual figure: when presented with too many figures, a reader may look carefully at none of them. - 그림이 너무 많으면 어떤 부분이 더 중요한 것인지 알 수 없기 때문에 좋은 논문이 아니다. • Figures should not be used to present data that would be better presented in a table. - 표로 표현하는 것이 더 깔끔하다면, 표를 활용하도록 한다.
◆ Figure or a Table? Do I want the basic point to be communicated at a glance? Use a figure. Do I want the reader to see trends and relationships? Use a figure. Do I want the reader to see exact numbers? Use a table. Do I want to communicate a lot of information with words? Use a table.
◆ Color or Black & White? Do I need color to make the picture comprehensible to the reader? Color should be used only when it is essential to understand the chemical nature of the material in the picture. Otherwise, prepare in black and white. Do I need color in my line graph, bar graph, or pie chart? Color is rarely required in these figures. Lines with varying dash styles in line graphs and distinct grayscale shades in bar graphs or pie charts work as well. Do I need color to catch the reader’s eye? No.
※ 컬러를 사용할 때 특별히 좋은 점이 없다면, 기본적으로 흑백에서 명암을 조절하면서 표현한다. (명확한 비교일 경우 컬러) ※ 그림은 실험 데이터를 통해 본인이 직접 그려야 한다.
Use Color When Colors need to be Cleary MarkedUse Color When Features need to be Cleary ComparedCase by Color (3D Chart)Case by Black & White (Bar graph, Western blot)
◆ Reproducing Previously Published Materials - 이미 출판된 논문에서 재료를 가져오는 경우 To reproduce a figure, photograph, or table that has been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission in writing from the copyright owner (usually the publisher), and you must submit the written permissions along with your final manuscript.
Even if you were the author of the previously published figure or table, you still need written permission from the copyright owner.
The only exception is for a work of the U.S. government.
Credit Lines in Figure captions or Table footnotes - at the end of the caption in parentheses
1) Format 1 On your journal's guideline Copyright owner's name Reprinted with permission from ref 10. Copyright 2003 American Pharmaceutical Association. (Most Publishers) Reprinted from ref 12. Copyright 2005 American Chemical Society. (Published by ACS) Reprinted from ref 23. (US government) 2) Format 2 ref XX → Author names (Year) e.g., Reprinted from Fitzgerald and Cheng (2004). Copyright 2004 American Chemical Society. (ACS) Be sure to check the author guidelines for your publication.
※ 재료를 꼭 가지고 와야 하는 경우가 있다. 이 경우 본인의 것일지라도 출판사의 퍼미션을 받아야 한다. (단, 정부인은 예외)
reprinted with your paper before
• If you construct a figure or a table from data that were previously published as text or use data from a table to create an original figure, you do not need permission, but you should reference (cite) the source of the data (e.g., “Data are from ref 7.”). - 이미 발표된 논문에서 재료를 가지고 왔지만, 분석 후 새로운 데이터를 만든 경우 퍼미션할 필요가 없다. • If you are using a portion of a table/figure that has been previously published, even very small portions such as a few data points, permission is needed. The credit line: “reprinted” → “adapted” - 특정 부분 몇 가지만 참고해올 경우 reprinted 대신 adapted 으로 표현한다. • If you are thinking about using a previously published figure or table, consider carefully whether citing it as a reference would be adequate. - 예를 들어, ¹+²+³ 데이터를 참고하여 새로 만들었다면, 신중히 고려하고 적절한 명시를 해준다. (No Permission)
Graph was drawn using the data from several references (No permission required)With correction and addition of the data from Reference 102 (No permission required)