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[논문 Tip] 출판유형과 제목, 초록, 서론의 작성


 Types of publication and structure summary Title, Abstract

출판 유형과 학술논문의 구조에서 제목, 초록, 서론의 작성 방법에 대해 다룬다.


 1. Types of publication in jounal - 저널에서의 출판 유형

학술논문의 4 가지 출판 유형에 대해 알아본다.


1) Articles (full papers) - 일반적인 유형

◆ We will focus on this general paper style

① Cover the subject matter thoroughly and clearly

② Definitive accounts of significant, original studies

③ Concise, avoiding unnecessary historical references

④ Provide a fresh approach to an established subject


2) Letters / Correspondence (Communications) - 레터 타입

◆ Papers of this type are trendy these days

① Special significance and urgency (expedited publication)

② Subject to strict length limitations

③ May not contain nonessential experimental details

④ Authors are expected to publish complete details (not necessarily in the same journal) after publication


3) Reviews - 리뷰 논문 (타인의 연구결과에 대해 정리한 논문)

◆ Regularly reviewing published papers in an academic field is important for the community

① Integrate, correlate, and evaluate results from published literature on a particular subject

② Have a well-defined theme

③ May present novel theoretical interpretations

④ Serve as a guide to the original literature; accuracy and completeness of references are essential


4) Notes (News) - 노트 유형 (타인의 최신 연구결과를 약 1 page 정도 정리한 논문)

◆ Short academic reports or news

① Concise accounts of original research of a limited scope

② Can be preliminary reports of special significance

③ Appropriate subjects for notes:

    . Improved procedures of wide applicability or interest

    . Accounts of novel observations of special interest

    . Development of new techniques




 2. Good writing and structures - 좋은 글쓰기와 구조

좋은 글쓰기를 위해 염두해야 할 사항과 학술논문의 9 가지 구조에서 특히 제목과 초록에 대해 알아본다.


1) Importance of good writing - 좋은 글쓰기의 중요성

◆ Many papers are badly written and hard to understand

. High chance of rejection of the manuscript

. Their good ideas may go unappreciated


◆ Simple guidelines can dramatically improve the quality of your papers

. More chance of acceptance of the manuscript

. Your work will be read more


2) Essential Parts of a Academic paper - 논문의 필수 부분

> 5강 (This Page) 참조

 ① Title: Describe concisely the core contents of the paper

 ② Abstract: Summarize the major elements of the paper

> 6강 참조

 ③ Introduction: provide context and rationale for the study

 ④ Method/Materials/Theory: Describe the experimental procedures/Materials/Theory used, so it is reproducible

> 7강 참조

 ⑤ Results: Summarize the findings without interpretation

 ⑥ Discussion: Interpret the findings of the study

 ⑦ Summary/Conclusion: Summarize the findings

> 8강 참조 (해당 내용은 표/그림/도표 내용으로 대체)

 ⑧ Acknowledgement: Give credit to those who helped you

 ⑨ References: List all scientific papers, books and websites that you cited


3) Rough estimation of the number of relative readers - 독자 수에 대한 관계 추정

 ■ Title (1000 readers)

 ■ Authors and Addresses

 ■ Abstract (4 sentences, 100 readers)

 ■ Introduction (1 page, 100 readers)

 ■ The problem (1 page, 10 readers)

 ■ My idea (2 pages, 10 readers)

 ■ The details (5 pages, 3 readers)

 ■ Related work (1-2 pages, 10 readers)

 ■ Conclusions and further work (0.5 pages)


. 제목을 읽는 독자가 1000명이면, 그중 100명(10%)은 초록까지 읽을 것이고, 초록을 읽은 인원은 서론까지 읽는다.

. 제목에서 독자를 끌어모을 수 있도록 적절히 선정하고, IMRAD(서론/연구자료 및 방법/결과 및 토론) 방식의 초록 작성.


4) Appropriate Tense (normally never the future) - 적절한 시제 사용

Use the Appropriate Tense


 ① Title - 제목

학술논문의 제목을 결정하는 방법에 대해 알아본다.


1) Purpose and how to decide - 목적 및 결정 방법

◆ Purpose

① To attract the potential audience

② To aid retrieval and indexing

  adequately describe the contents of the paper using the fewest possible words with great care. 

  Indexing and abstracting of the paper depends on the accuracy of the title.

  An improperly titled paper will get lost and will never be read. 


◆ Some Tips of TITLE

. Make a list of the most important keywords

. Think of a title that contains these words

. The title could state the conclusion of the paper

. Think, rethink of the title before submitting the paper

. Be careful of the grammatical and syntax errors


. Should be concise, meaningful, specific and informative

. Should capture the fundamental nature of the experiments

. Neither be too short nor too long as to be meaningless

. If a long title is necessary, think of using subtitle like

 (Electronic Quenching in N(²D) + N₂ Collisions:

  A State-Specific Analysis via Surface Hopping Dynamics)


◆ Avoid the following words

. “studies on”, “investigations on”, “using”, “novel”, “first”, “a study of”, “research on”, “report on”, “regarding”, “new”, “rapid”, and “use of”

. avoid jargon, symbols, formulas, and abbreviations

. In most cases, omit “the” at the beginning of the title

. Acronyms and abbreviations are not permitted in manuscript titles, unless they are broadly familiar to readers in all disciplines of chemistry

. use words rather than expressions containing superscripts, subscripts, or other special notations

. Choose specific terms: “a vanadium–iron alloy” rather than “a magnetic alloy”


2) Attraction - 관심

관심을 끌어당기는 재미있는 주제


3) Various styles of titles - 다양한 제목 스타일

◆ Short descriptive type (Most common) - 짧은 설명형

 Ex) Graphene analogue carries current (Nature, 2014, 509, 263)

 Ex) Tracking excited-state charge and spin dynamics in iron coordination complexes 

 (Nature, 2014, 509, 345)

 Ex) Carbon Dioxide Capture: Prospects for New Materials

 (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 6058)

 Ex) Energy applications of ionic liquids

 (Energy & Environmental Science 2009, 2, 956)

 Ex) Fragments of Layered Manganese Oxide Are the Real Water Oxidation Catalyst after Transformation of Molecular Precursor on Clay

 (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 7245)


◆ Interrogative forms - 의문형

 Ex) Can Water Store Charge? (Langmuir, 2009, 25, 542)

 Ex) How Accurate Are Transition States from Simulations of Enzymatic Reactions? 

 (J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2014, 10, 1863)

 Ex) What is 'dangerous' climate change?

 (Nature, 2001, 411, 17)

 Ex) Genetics: What is a gene?

 (Nature, 2006, 441, 398)

 Ex) How Do Small Water Clusters Bind an Excess Electron?

 (Science, 2004, 306, 675)


◆ Long descriptive type - 긴설명형

 Ex) Electronic Quenching in N(²D) + N₂ Collisions: A State-Specific Analysis via Surface Hopping Dynamics 

 (J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2014, 10, 1872)

 Ex) Evaluating the CO2-capturing efficacy of amine and carboxylic acid motifs: ab initio studies on thermodynamic versus kinetic properties

 (Tetrahedron, 2013, 69, 6693)

Example of Long Interrogative from


 ② Abstract - 초록

학술논문의 초록을 작성하는 방법에 대해 알아본다.


1) Purpose and how to write - 목적 및 작성 방법

◆ Abstract is a summary of the information in a document

◆ Allows the reader to determine the nature & scope of the paper

◆ Helps technical editors identify key features for indexing and retrieval

◆ Write clearly and simply, as it is the first and sometimes the only part of the manuscript to be read


Provide a brief summary of each of the main sections (IMRAD) of the paper:
1) State the principal objective and scope of the investigation
2) Describe the methods used
3) Summarize the results, and
4) State the principal conclusions
Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (IMRAD)


◆ Tips for writing Abstract

. Should be written in the past tense as it refers to work done

. Must be concise, self-contained, and complete

. The optimal length is one paragraph, but it could be as short as two sentences. 80 ~ 200 words is usually adequate

. Must be accurate with respect to figures in the main text


. Do not cite references (except rare cases), tables, figures, or sections of the paper

. Do not include equations, schemes, or structures

. Don’t give any information or conclusion not stated in paper


. Use abbreviations and acronyms only when it is necessary to prevent awkward construction or needless repetition

. Define abbreviations at first use in the abstract (and again at first use in the text)


2) Examples

Abstract: Artificial van der Waals heterostructures with two-dimensional (2D) atomic crystals are promising as an active channel or as a buffer contact layer for next-generation devices. However, genuine 2D heterostructure devices remain limited because of impurity-involved transfer process, and metastable and inhomogeneous heterostructure formation. We used laser-induced phase patterning, a polymorph engineering, to fabricate an ohmic heterophase homojunction between semiconducting 2H- and metallic 1T'-MoTe₂ that is stable up to 300℃ and increases the carrier mobility of the MoTe₂ transistor by ~50 fold, while retaining a high on/off current ratio of 10^6. In situ scanning transmission electron microscopy results combined with theoretical calculations reveal that the Te vacancy triggers the local phase transition in MoTe₂, achieving a true 2D device with an ohmic contact.
Science 349, 625 (2015)

Example 1
Example 2

Summary for Title, Abstract - 요약
· We have to effectively attract the potential audience.
· Our papers should be easily indexed and cited.
→ Clear, simple and logical description is required.
→ Your academic depth should be well implied.

