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[논문 Tip] 과학기술분야의 학술논문, 대상 선정하기


 Academic Papers in Science and Engineering, Selecting a Target Journal for Your Academic Manuscript

과학기술분야의 학술논문에 대해 설명하고, 각자의 분야에서 작성하는 논문의 대상이 되는 타깃 저널을 선택하는 부분에 대해 다룬다.


 1. Academic Papers in Science and Engineering

과학기술분야의 학술논문에 대해서 알아본다.


1) The universal difficulties for writing academic papers

그림 1 - The endless cycle

2) Communications in Academic papers in Science and Enginnering

Communication Example: Letter for Rejection
Referee #1 (Remarks to the Author):
This manucript titled "xxx" by xxx et al. reports a 1S1R memory stack with Au/ h-BN/graphene/h-BN/Ag structure. The interesting results demonstrated in the manuscript include: 1) at device level, individual memory cell shows 1E10 self-selectivity and 1E3 memory window; 2) at array level, a 12 x12 programming array. However, those results are neither significant or novel enough for Nature or Nature research journals.

We appreciate that Referee #1 noticed some interesting parts of our results (in terms of high device performances such as selft-selectivity and memory window as well as an array demonstration). However, we believe that the referee misunderstood the key novelty of our work, considering our novel device as a conventional (previously reported) 1S1R devices or just as a technical improvement of typical memory devices. In fact, we conceived a new mechanism of self-selecting memory function (with such high performances) for large-scale crossbar arrays by using 2D materials, and reported its proof-of-concept with promising simulation. To avoid the possible misunderstanding, we highlight the key novelty below, particularly compared with previous 1S1R or complementary resistive switching architectures.

3) Science Citation Index Expanded (from January 2020)

[그림 2] SCIE(구 SCI): 과학기술, SSCI: 인문사회, AHCI: 예술분야

그림 2 - Science Citation Index Expanded (from January 2020)

• 'Clarivate Analytics' provides the citation index.

• Web of Science is the platform for the index.

• This database allows a researcher to identify which later articles have cited any particular earlier articles, or have cited the articles of any particular authors, or have been cited most frequently.


• Editorial selection of the journals helps researchers find reliable journals for their studies.

• Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)

• Arts& Humanities Citiation Index (AHCI)

• Not only journals but also books and Conference proceedings are indexed.






The impact factor (IF) of an academic journal is an index that reflects the yearly average number of citations (for two years) that recent articles published in a given journal received.


It is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field; journals with higher impact factors are often deemed to be more important than those with lower ones.


IF=citation number/published paper number


Ex) The IF of Nature in 2011

Citation numbers: 28700 (in 2010) and 33991 (in 2009)

The number of published papers: 862 (2010), 866 (2009)

※ 62691/1728=36.280


4) Google scholar (구글 학술검색)

. Google scholar is specialized for searching academic documents: papers, patents, etc.

. Google scholar provides a service for researchers: citation and other metrics.


If we click this, we could see all papers citing the selected paper.


 2. Selection a Target Journal for Your Academic Manuscript

각자의 분야에서 작성하는 논문의 대상이 되는 타깃 저널을 선택하는 부분에 대해서 알아본다.


1) Importance of selecting a target journal

   → Strategic ways to save publishing time and your efforts substrantially

2) Open access journals

   → Unrestricted online access to peer-reviewed scholarly researches

   → Any readers can access the open access journals without financial barriers

   → Increase the visibility of your article among researchers


Summary for Target Journals - 요약
◆ Selecting a suitable target journal
→ NOT simply choosing the highest IF journal
◆ Finding proper journals
· Fit your research field and the purpose of your manuscript
· Consider processing time and publishing goals with your subjects