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[논문 Tip] 학술논문의 구조와 스토리텔링, 작성준비


 Structure of an academic paper Storytelling method for academic papers Preparing for writing academic papers

학술논문의 구조와 스토리텔링 방법, 그리고 학술논문 작성 준비에 대해 다룬다.


 1. Structure of an academic paper - 학술논문의 구조

학술논문의 10 가지 구조에 대해 알아본다.


1) Title - 제목

◆ Make your tile detail

. Not technical => only specialists will understand

. Appropriate for the intended audience

. Limited and specific

. Compendious summary of article's main focus


2) Authors - 저자

. First author determine ※ Co-first author 소개

=> Person who did the work mainly and wrote the paper

. Listed authors

=> Other people who made remarkably contributions to the work

. Co-author determine

=> Ask your mentor's recognigation before including name

. Corresponding author - contact author (research advisor)


3) Abstract - 초록

. "Preview" if what's to come.

. Less technical than main article

. One paragraph, of 100-250 words, which summarizes the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the paper.

. Writing a summary that includes whatever you think is important and necessary concepts

. Don't use abbreviations or citations in abstract


4) Introduction - 도입부 소개

  Comment 1: 연구과제에 대한 전체적인 맥락과 역사를 알고 있어야 한다.

. Summarizes the relevant research literature in order to understand the readers what if you are interested in this issue

. One to four paragraphs enough with explaining the specific question you asked in this work

. Sketch out the background of your study

=> Why you have investigated the question

=> How it relates to earlier research

. Description of the problem and its history including previous research

. Describe how your work explanation a distinction in previous research

. Mention what information your article will address.


5) Materials and Methods - 재료와 방법

◆ In this section you describe how you performed your work

. Enough information for the reader to duplicate your experiment

. Organize this section chronologically

. It may helpful to include a diagram, table or flowchart to explain the methods

. Mention relevant ethical considerations.

=> If you used human subjects, did they consent to participate?

     If you used animals, what measures did you take to minimize plan?

. Do not put results in this section.

. Specialized equipment, including brand-names


6) Results - 결과

· This section present the factual results that was found in the course of this study.

· Detailed data (measurements, counts, percentages, patterns) usually appear in tables, figures, and graphs, and the tex of the section draws attention to the key data and relationships among data.


◆ Four rules of thumb will help you with this section:

. Present results clearly and logically and use table and figures and graphs effectively

. Avoid illogical verbiage, irrational thinking and excessively subjective judgment

=> Don't try to manipulate the data to make it look like you did more than you actually did

. Consider providing a one-sentence summary for understanding your data at the each paragraph if you think it will help your reader understand your data

. Not necessarily include all the data you have


7) Discussion - 토론 (가치판단이 들어가며, Results 혼합형으로도 사용됨)

. Highlight the most significant results about results relate to the original question

. See the connection between your study question and your results.

. Organize all the ideas that you discuss and to solve the logical relationships between the fallowing question

 - what word is most important?

 - what point is most clearly made by your result?

 - what ideas are subordinate to the main concept?

. Finish with a one-sentence summary of your conclusion, emphasizing why it is relevant.


8) Tables and Graphs - 테이블 및 도표

. Data in a table or graph include a abjective & specific describing what's in the table

. For graphs, you should also exactly label the x and y axes.


9) Acknowledgements - 사사

To express the gratitude for various assistances and helps to conduct your research

◆ Give the following six categories:

. Moral support

. Finanial support

. Editorial support

. Presentational support

. Instrumental/technical support

. Conceptual support, or peer interactive communication (PIC)


10) References - 참조

◆ There are several possible ways to organize this section

. In the References section list citations in order of writing

. Inside the reference, authors, title, journals, volume, page number and publishing year included

. Zhang, Y., Tan, J. W., Stormer, H. L. & Kim, P. Experimental observation of the quantum Hall effect and Berry's phase in graphene. Nature 438, 201-204 (2005)


 2. Storytelling method for academic papers - 학술논문을 위한 스토리텔링 방법

학술논문을 위한 몇 가지 스토리텔링 방법에 대해 알아본다.


1) Typical (plain) description - Importance of storytelling_일반적인 방법(배경-한일-전망)

2) Dramatic description - Importance of storytelling_드라마틱 방법(배경-현재-한계-결과)

3) Magazine style - Importance of storytelling_매거진 스타일(자극적인 것, 고정관념을 깨는 것)

4) Thesis style - Storytelling depend on paper style_정통적인 학문분야(현상을 정확히 이해하는 것)

※ How much data are need for preparing manuscript?

Letter Paper Style v.s. Full Paper(article) Style

 3. Preparing for writing academic papers - 학술논문 작성 준비

학술논문을 쓰다보면 Editor 단계에서 자주 Rejection 당하는 경우가 있다. 준비 과정에 대해 알아본다.


1) Publishing Process (e.g. Nano Energy)

2) Publishing Process - (editor's view) (e.g. Nano Energe)

3) Publishing Process - (Author's view)

Summary for Paper Preparation and Structures - 요약
· Having the paper structure in your mind helps us to understand the scientific conclustions of the paper.
· We have to master unique storytelling methods for scientific papers.
· We understand the submission and review process of scientific journals.